Carpet Cleaning: Your Step By Step Guide On How and When to Clean Your Carpet

Posted on March 16 2022

Carpet Cleaning: Your Step By Step Guide On How and When to Clean Your Carpet

Over time, your carpets can become dirty, leading to allergens and bacteria sticking to the flooring which can potentially affect the health of you and your loved ones. Additionally, you will be required to clean your carpet at times when there is a spillage or if your pet has placed their dirty paws on them, etc. We are all aware that carpets take a lot of abuse from spills, shoes, and pets. Having said that, we are willing to go the extra mile to keep it clean, as it may improve the overall aesthetics of one's home. Frequently vacuuming or deep cleaning can significantly extend the life of any carpet. Below-mentioned is basic steps and a few tips on how and when to get your carpet cleaned:


  1. Get rid of unnecessary dust and dirt

Allowing dust and dirt particles to remain on the carpet fibres is usually what causes them to look so dull and retain the foul odour. Over time, if not cleaned, it eventually wears the fibres of the carpet. Using a vacuum with strong suction is an ideal way to get your carpet cleaned. If you do not have a vacuum, you can use either a broom or a carpet sweeper. Few tips to clean your carpet routinely:

  • Take time to move the furniture and other items from your carpet
  • To get a strong suction set the vacuum to the proper height
  • To get fantastic results, go over high-traffic areas by slowly vacuuming them several times
  • To clean up crumbs effectively, use a lint roller
  • To give your carpet a new lease of life and make it stand out, sprinkle a liberal amount of baking soda every month and let it sit for one hour to absorb any oily stains and odours.


  1. Stop-clean stains

The best way to treat carpet stains is to treat them as quickly as possible. If it is a liquid spill, blot away the moisture with paper towels immediately or a white cloth. Avoid using coloured cloth or napkins. For more solid stains or mud stains, use a dull knife to lift away the solids. Try not to rub solid stains as they will sink deeper into the fibres.


  1. Use a solution of a water and vinegar mix

Mix one part of distilled white vinegar and three parts of cold water if you are cleaning a wall-to-wall carpet.


  1. Allow the carpet to air dry

Open doors and windows to increase the airflow in the room to speed dry. Avoid any sort of traffic on the carpet until it is fully dry.


How often should you get your carpet cleaned?

Whether you have area rugs or wall-to-wall carpeting rugs, vacuuming it once a week, or more frequently if you have pets or kids is ideal. Any kind of spills or stains should be treated as quickly as possible. Consider a professional carpet cleaning service like Blue Paisley to deep clean your carpets at least twice a year.

Schedule an initial consultation with our team today if you are looking for the carpet cleaning service at reasonable prices.

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