Pantone 2016 Colors

Posted on December 14 2015

Pantone 2016 Colors

You’ve heard it! Pantone has announced, not one, but two colours for 2016!

Rose Quartz and Serenity, “a harmonious pairing of inviting shades that embody a mindset of tranquility and inner peace.” The colours have been described as shades that bring a soothing sense of compassion and composure for consumers as they seek mindfulness and well being amidst the daily stress of modern day.

“With the whole greater than its individual parts, joined together Serenity and Rose Quartz demonstrate an inherent balance between a warmer embracing rose tone and the cooler tranquil blue, reflecting connection and wellness as well as a soothing sense of order and peace.”

– Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Color Institute

Pantone has stated that the two colours are meant to challenge the conventional associations of gender by blurring the boundary, aiming for a notion of equality.

The internet is buzzing with commentary on the trend with likes and dislikes. So far the interior design world seems to have really embraced the choice. With a light and airy feeling, both shades are ideal for home decor and interior design as they set the mood for a calm and peaceful environment. They are not over powering and therefore easy to pair with a range of other colours. Use of Rose Quartz in upholstery does not come across as overly sweet or feminine, rather it blends in a harmonious way while Serenity lends itself very well to an array of decorative design elements from wall colours to carpets. Possibilities are endless.

What are your plans for decorating your living space in the new year?

Checkout our instagram page for a range of carpets that bring you a sense of tranquility and balance.

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